2024 Scholarship Tea

The Scholarship Committee has awarded over 100% of all donated moneys for some time due to investments. We plan to continue this trend and strive both to recognize students’ needs and to reward their hard work and high aspirations.
Last year, we awarded 76 scholarships with a total value of over $49,000. The committee has authorized an alumni fund through which former students of Ashdown High School, businesses, or other individuals may contribute to the program in any amount and at any time. Such contributions may be made in honor or memory of friends and loved ones. Scholarships are tax deductible and may be sent to Ashdown Public Schools, 751 Rankin St., Ashdown, AR 71822. You may attention your correspondence to: Ashdown Scholarship Committee or call 903-826-4434 if you have any questions.
Committee Chairperson Ronda Pounds said, “Each year we are so thankful to be able to award these scholarships through generous donations from alumni, businesses, and our local community. We would like to thank all of the donors for allowing us to continue honoring our deserving seniors from Ashdown High School. We would also like to encourage businesses, as well as individuals to support the scholarship program.”
The following students are listed along with their scholarships received:
Joseph Scott - Archie & Mary Sue Mills Memorial
Caroline Wrinkle - Ashdown Administrators
Luke Barnes - Ashdown Alumni Association
Rylee Youngblood - Ashdown Alumni Association
Zaniya Alexander - Ashdown Alumni Association
Rylie Fyock - Ashdown Alumni Association
Audrey Bishop - Ashdown Alumni Association
Kaylee Walker - Ashdown Alumni Association
Keymond Hemphill - Jo Ann Biggs - Ashdown Alumni Association
Makayla Lawson - Jo Ann Biggs - Ashdown Alumni Association
Caroline Wrinkle - Jo Ann Biggs - Ashdown Alumni Association
Kenya Hemphill - Jo Ann Biggs - Ashdown Alumni Association
Connor Cobb - Jo Ann Biggs - Ashdown Alumni Association
Zaniya Alexander - Ashdown Athletic Booster
Keymond Hemphill - Ashdown Band Boosters
Isabella Woolfley - Ashdown Dental Coleman Pearson Memorial
Isabella Woolfley - Ashdown National Honor Society
Alexa Pena - Ashdown Rotary
Rylie Fyock - Ashdown TARGETS
Audrie Lansdell - Becky Day Memorial
Caleb Blankenship - Ben Birtcher Memorial Scholarship
Nash Brown - Ben Birtcher Memorial Scholarship
Luke Barnes – Dr. Brian L. Matthews Academic Initiative and Merit (AIM) Scholarship
Caleb Blankenship - Bubba Hatridge Memorial
Evelyn Young - Cecil & Beth Bowman Memorial
Rylee Youngblood - Chad Trammell
Gage Vaught - Coca Cola
Gage Vaught - Courtney Jewell Memorial Scholarship
Ella Bowman - Davis Family Scholarship
Aubri Hinton - Diamond Bank
Anna Arnold - Diva Thomas Memorial
Kannon Masters - Domtar
Bannon Price - Eric T. Bishop Attorney at Law
Lexi Neal - Farmer's Bank
Mikealla Allen - Frances Walraven Memorial
Joseph Scott - Fred Jester Jr. Memorial
Nash Brown - Fred Jester Sr. Memorial
Mikealla Allen - George Branch Memorial
Carson Horn - H & K Electric
Kylie Erwin - Helen and Buddy Parker Memorial
Lexi Neal - Henry Kaufman Memorial
Tyrance Marks - Jackson Title Company
Anna Vanarsdall - Jalen Lewis Memorial
Adisyn Ward - Jean Ann Jeffries Memorial
Makayla Lawson - Jim & Paula Mounts
Bannon Price - Jr. Setliff Memorial
Cazandra Rivas - Judy Lowery Memorial
Braylee Thomas - King Medical Clinic
Miriam Vermeer - Leilana Warren Memorial
Kylie Erwin - Little River County Farm Bureau
Audrey Bishop - Little River County Farm Bureau
Tremell Williams - Little River County Retired Teachers
Carson Horn - Little River Hardwoods
Jayden Murphy - Little River Memorial Hospital
Michala Scarborough - PPMB Alumni in honor of Mark Pounds
Anna Arnold - Matt Harris Memorial
Miriam Vermeer - Matt Harris Memorial
Alexa Pena - Mil-Way in Memory of Kenny Bankosh
Jayden Murphy - Mil-Way in Memory of Matt Harris
Luke Barnes - Paul Hale Memorial Scholarship
Bannon Price - Paul Hale Memorial Scholarship
Aubri Hinton - Phil Pierce Class of 1965 Mem Scholarship
Adisyn Ward - Ralph & Cecile Fuller, Jr
Michala Scarborough - Roger & Von Rose Memorial
Braylee Thomas - Ruby Lee Rosenbaum Memorial
Evelyn Young - Sammy Walker Memorial
Kenya Hemphill - Sharlotte Wright Memorial
Skylar Masters - Sharon Booth McGee Ashdown Alumni Association
Cazandra Rivas - Sherry Gentry Kidd Memorial
Tremell Williams - Shirl & Nancy McCoy
Connor Cobb - TDS
Anna Vanarsdall - Thomas Fomby Class of 1965
Audrie Lansdell - Vestco
Tyrance Marks - Wesley Strange Memorial
Kaylee Walker - William & LaVerne Coker Memorial
Ella Bowman - William L. & Mary E. Welch Memorial